Windows 8, 10, and 11 Desktop Tips(Updated!)

Windows 8, 10, and 11 Desktop Tips(Updated!)

30 September 2023 0 By DELIGHT

In the ever-evolving world of Windows operating systems, desktop navigation remains a fundamental skill for users of all levels. Windows 8, Windows 10, and the more recent Windows 11 each come with their unique desktop environments and features. To help you make the most of your Windows desktop, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide with tips and tricks for each of these versions.

1. Embrace the Start Screen
  • Windows 8 introduced the Start Screen as a replacement for the traditional Start Menu. Embrace it by customizing tile sizes and arranging apps for easy access.
2. Charms Bar Shortcuts
  • Access the Charms Bar by swiping from the right edge or pressing `Win + C`. It provides quick access to Search, Share, Devices, and Settings.
3. Familiarize with Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Windows key shortcuts like Win + X (for power user menu) and Win + D (to show the desktop) can enhance your productivity.
4. Master the Corners
  • The corners are hotspots for various functions. For example, the top-left corner displays open apps, while the bottom-left corner opens the Start Screen.
5. Customize Your Lock Screen
  • Personalize your Lock Screen with your favorite images and quick app status notifications.

Exploring the Windows 10 Desktop(Quick Guide)

1. Start Menu Customization
  • Windows 10 brought back the Start Menu. You can resize it, pin apps, and add live tiles to make it work for you.
2. Task View for Multitasking
  • Use Win + Tab to open Task View, which lets you create multiple virtual desktops and easily manage open applications.
3. Snap Windows for Efficiency
  • Drag windows to the edges of the screen to snap them into position for efficient multitasking.
4. Cortana, Your Virtual Assistant
  • Take advantage of Cortana’s voice commands and personalized assistance for tasks like setting reminders and finding information.
5. Action Center
  • Access the Action Center (Win + A) for quick access to notifications, settings, and quick actions like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth toggles.


Unleashing the Power of Windows 11 Desktop

With the release of Windows 11, Microsoft has introduced a host of exciting features and design changes aimed at enhancing the user experience and productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deeper into the Windows 11 desktop environment and provide you with tips and tricks to master it effectively.

1. Embracing the Centered Start Menu

The most visible change in Windows 11 is the centered Start Menu. This layout offers a fresh and streamlined look, making it easier to access your favorite apps and features.

2. Widgets for Quick Glance Information
  • On the left side of the Start Menu, you’ll find Widgets, a new feature that provides at-a-glance information like weather, news, calendar events, and more. Customize it to suit your needs.

Enhanced Window Management with Snap Layouts and Snap Groups

Windows 11 introduces Snap Layouts and Snap Groups, making multitasking and window management more efficient than ever before.

3. Snap Layouts
  • Press Win + Z to access Snap Layouts, which allows you to quickly organize your open windows into predefined layouts. Choose from various options to suit your workflow.
4. Snap Groups
  • Create Snap Groups by combining multiple open windows from the same app. This feature is a game-changer for tasks like research or project management.

Widgets for At-a-Glance Information

Widgets are a powerful addition to Windows 11, providing you with quick access to information and tools without leaving your desktop.

5. Customization
  • Customize Widgets to display the information that matters most to you. Whether it’s stock updates, calendar events, or news headlines, Widgets can be tailored to your preferences.
6. Productivity Widgets
  • Leverage productivity Widgets to view your to-do lists, calendar, and upcoming tasks at a glance. Stay organized and on top of your schedule.

Multiple Desktops for Enhanced Focus

Windows 11 offers multiple virtual desktops, allowing you to create separate desktop environments for various tasks and projects.

7. Dedicated Workspaces
  • Create dedicated desktops for work, entertainment, or personal use. This feature helps you stay organized and focused on specific tasks.
8. Easy Switching
  • Quickly switch between virtual desktops by pressing Win + Tab and selecting the one you need. It’s an efficient way to keep your workspace organized.


Whether you’re using Windows 8, Windows 10, or the latest Windows 11, mastering your desktop navigation skills can significantly enhance your overall Windows experience. By customizing your desktop, utilizing keyboard shortcuts, and exploring the unique features of each version, you’ll become a more proficient and productive Windows user.

Keep in mind that these tips only scratch the surface of what each Windows version has to offer. Continuously exploring and adapting to new features will ensure you get the most out of your Windows desktop, whether you’re working, studying, or simply enjoying your favorite applications.

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